*CORRECTION: Apparently The People From The Oktoberfest Twitter Thread Weren't Snorting Cocaine, They Were Snorting Fake Cocaine

So I wrote a blog yesterday about an Octoberfest Twitter thread where I THOUGHT people were drunkenly doing cocaine. Well, apparently I was wrong because my DM’s blew up with kids whose parents sent them overseas to study abroad telling that the white powder that looks exactly like cocaine…wasn’t cocaine.

It’s a fake version called Wiesn Koks and it’s made up of menthol, sugar, and glucose. It’s similar to snuff and is sold in small containers for easy consumption.  Not sure how I thought  a bunch of blacked out idiots snorting lines off each other’s dicks had the moral high ground to choose the legal version of cocaine rather than real thing, but I did. That’s on me. I will say though, if I had to guess more than a few people probably did the real stuff.

And THAT my friends was a blog protecting my journalistic integrity. You’re welcome.

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